Privacy Policy

This website is operated by Gosnami, a registered trademark of Gosnami, represented by the natural person Y3628053R, Maltsev Aleksandr. Important: by providing personal data to Gosnami and/or through the website, the user authorizes that their personal data be used and processed by Gosnami under the terms and conditions described below

1. Scope

This Privacy Policy covers the Gosnami digital platform owned by Gosnami.

Gosnami is accessible through the domain, and the mobile application available on Google Play and App Store.

2. Warning

Browsing, registering, and using the Gosnami platform is subject to acceptance of the conditions set out in this policy. If you do not agree with it, you must leave the site.

3. Privacy and Security Policy

Gosnami cares about your privacy and protects the information transmitted to it.

Gosnami establishes compliance with the principles of legislation and data protection, respecting all national laws and regulations.

Links to third party websites may be made available on these platforms for greater user convenience. Gosnami is not responsible for, approves or in any way supports or subscribes to the formal content of these websites or the websites linked or referred to in them. Gosnami is not responsible for any users of this website for any damages arising from the use or disclosure of the information contained therein.

4. Cookies

4.1. What are cookies?

"Cookies" are a text string stored in a specific file and included in Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests and responses.

It allows the recording of status information while browsing and when returning to a specific website, maintaining HTTP sessions.

4.2. Why are Cookies used?

For websites to work more effectively and quickly;

To improve the level of security when using an area with restricted access;

Help collect information that can best serve your interests; Collect statistical information to improve the way we relate to customers and products.

4.3. Benefits for the customer or user

More security

Do not repeatedly receive questions or information already viewed;

Disadvantages some cookies may remain installed in the user's browser for some time, and in addition, there are cookies that can monitor the user's journey through the companies' website.

What type of cookies does Gosnami use?

Essential - mandatory for the website to function properly (user login, for example);

Non-essential - Does not disrupt the proper functioning of the website, but is used to improve user interaction;

Low-intrusive - used to observe the user, but does not provide any type of personal information (Google Analytics);

Very Intrusive - used for user observation, providing personal data. This classification only serves as a reference, and a completely new one can be created or adapted to others and vice versa.

CookieDesignationDescription Other information
Google Analytics _gid
These cookies are intended to collect information about how visitors use the website. The information collected is intended to help improve the website, and all information collected is strictly anonymous For more information visit the website:
User Session XSRF-TOKEN idp.access_token This cookie is intended to record the user's session, allowing them to be logged in whenever they access secure areas such as the customer area, thus preventing this information from being requested repeatedly on each page they browse. This cookie only exists as long as the user is logged in.
Google Tag Manager _dc_gtm_

Use of Cookies by Gosnami

All browsers allow you to accept, reject, or delete cookies by changing the parameters of your Internet browser. Changing the parameters can be done through the specific settings of your internet browser. We warn you that refusing cookies may slow down access to the website and prevent access to certain areas of the website.

For more information about cookies, including finding out which cookies have been set and how they can be managed and deleted, visit

If you do not wish to be detected when visiting our website, you can do so using the link

You can find information about controlling cookies according to your Internet browser in the following table:

Type of Internet Browser Site
Microsoft Edge

5. Processing of Personal Data

5.1. What are personal data?

“Personal data” is any information that can identify you either directly (for example, your name) or indirectly (for example, data presented under a pseudonym, such as a unique identification number).

5.2. What data do we collect about you and how do we use it?

Gosnami may collect your data under a legal or regulatory imperative, a contractual relationship, its legitimate interest (in order to improve its products and services), and/or informed consent.

5.3. Who can access your personal data?

We may share your personal data to comply with legal or contractual obligations, to improve our products and services, or after obtaining your consent.

Depending on the purpose for which they are collected, and exclusively on a need-to-know basis, Gosnami may have access to some of your personal data; whenever possible, the data is presented under a pseudonym (not allowing direct identification), and whenever necessary to provide you with the requested services.

There are external entities that assist Gosnami in providing IT services, such as WEB hosting and maintenance services, as well as software and applications that may contain data about you (such services may sometimes involve access to your data to carry out the necessary tasks).

From time to time, we may disclose your personal data to other entities, as part of the services provided. In these cases, we require that these entities in question have in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your information to protect your personal data.

5.4. Where do we store your personal data?

The data we collect from you and for which we are responsible is stored at a location in the European Union.

5.5. How long do we keep your personal data?

We only store your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose associated with processing it. To determine the data retention period, we use the following criteria:

  • ∙ When you register on the Gosnami Platform, we will store your data for as long as you are our customer.
  • ∙ When you submit an application to work at Gosnami, the data you provide will be kept for a period of two years.
  • ∙ When cookies are placed on your computer, Gosnami will keep them for as long as necessary to achieve its objectives (for example, session identification cookies) defined in the cookies chapter;
  • ∙ When you send the documents required for verification and validation of accounts, we will keep them long enough to fulfill your objective. After that, they will be completely deleted from all of our systems.

Gosnami may retain some of your personal data to comply with its legal or regulatory obligations, as well as to administer your rights (for example, to enforce petitions in Court) or for statistical or historical purposes.

When the use of your personal data is no longer necessary, it will be removed from the Gosnami system or kept anonymous so that you cannot be identified from the data.

Gosnami is committed to keeping your personal data secure and takes all appropriate precautions to do so. As such, it is contractually required that trusted external entities that process your personal data on our behalf do the same.

5.6. General Information about the Processing of your data

Personal data Goal Foundation Responsible for treatment
Name, EmailobligationAccess to the Client Area ContractualGosnami
Name, Surname, Mobile phone, Email, CV Reception of Applications Legitimate Interest Recruiter Box
EmailRespond to contact request Consent Gosnami
IP, browser, etc. Tracking visits via GoogleLegitimateGosnami
Use of cookiesAccess metrics about visitors in order to understand, in a generic way, who the visitors areLegitimateGosnami
Payment data To proceed with payment for the services offered Contractual obligationStripe
Identification document data Paypal
Tax Identification Number Profile validation for greater user security Consent Gosnami
Address (Proof)
Civil liability insurance details
Work accident insurance data

5.7. Your Rights and Choices

Gosnami respects your right to privacy and the protection of your data: it is important that you are able to control your personal data.

You have the following rights:

Your rightsWhat it means?
The right to be informed

You have the right to obtain clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how we use your personal data and about your rights. It is for this reason that we provide you with information in this Policy.

The right of access You have the right to access the personal data we hold about you (subject to certain limitations).

We may charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative cost of providing the information.

Manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive requests may not be responded to.

To do so, please contact us using the details below.

The right to rectification

You have the right to rectify your personal data if it is incorrect or out of date and/or to complete it if it is incomplete.

To do this, use the editing capability of your Gosnami profile.

The right to erasure/right to be forgotten In some cases, you have the right to have your personal data erased or deleted. Please note that this is not an absolute right, as we may have legal or legitimate grounds for retaining your personal data. If you want us to delete your data, please contact us using the details below or use the functionality on our platform.
The right to object to direct marketing, including profiling

You can unsubscribe or opt out of our direct marketing communications at any time.

The recommended way to do this is to deactivate this option in the dedicated “Notifications” space.

The right to withdraw consent to consent based data processing at any time The right to object to processing based on legitimate interests

The right to withdraw consent to consent based data processing at any time The right to object to processing based on legitimate interests.

You can object to the processing of your data at any time when said processing is based on a legitimate interest. We refer to the table inserted in the section “what data do we collect and how do we use it”, especially the column “What is the legal basis for processing your data?” to identify when our processing is based on legitimate interests.

To do so, please contact us using the details at the end of this Policy.

The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

You have the right to contact the data protection authority in your country to lodge a complaint against Gosnami´s data protection and privacy practices.

Do not hesitate to contact us with the details mentioned below before filing any complaint with the competent data protection authority, namely the National Data Protection Commission.

The right to data portability

You have the right to move, copy or transfer data from our database to another. This only applies to data you have provided, when the processing is based on your consent or on a contract and the processing is carried out by automated means.

We refer to the tables included in the section “what data do we collect and how do we use it”, especially the column “What is the legal basis for processing your data?” to identify when processing is based on the performance of a contract or consent.

For more information, please contact us using the details at the end of this Policy.

The right to restriction

You have the right to request restriction of the processing of your data. This right means that our processing of your data is restricted, so we can store it, but we cannot use it, nor subject it to further processing.

It applies in limited circumstances enumerated by the General Data Protection Regulation.

The right to disable Cookies

You have the right to disable Cookies. Internet search engine settings are normally programmed to accept Cookies by default, but you can easily adjust them by changing your search engine settings.

Many cookies are used to improve the use and functionality of websites/apps.

If you wish to restrict or block all cookies that are set by our websites/apps (which may prevent you from using certain parts of the website), or any other websites/apps, you can do so through your search engine settings, the explanation of which is set out in this Policy

6. Chat Conversation Storage

At Gosnami, we are committed to providing a seamless and efficient platform for communication between service providers through our chat service. This service aims to facilitate collaboration, enhance the provision of services, and maintain a comprehensive record of relevant transactions.

As part of our dedication to transparency and user privacy, it is essential for us to outline our practices regarding the collection and storage of conversations within the chat. This privacy policy clause elaborates on how your data is handled during your use of the chat service, emphasizing the importance of protecting your information and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Please read the following clause carefully to understand how your chat conversations are collected, processed, and stored. By continuing to use our chat service, you signify your consent to the terms outlined in this policy.

6.1. Collection and Purpose

By using our chat service, you acknowledge and agree that conversations may be collected and stored by us. This collection is carried out for the purpose of facilitating communication between service providers, ensuring effective service provision, and maintaining a relevant transaction history.

6.2. Data Collected

The data collected during conversations may include profile information, contact details, exchanged messages, and details related to service provision. This information is strictly necessary to fulfill the mentioned purposes.

6.3. Consent

By using our chat service, you expressly consent to the collection and storage of conversations as described in this policy. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us [email protected], but please note that this may affect the functionality of the service.

6.4. Retention Period

Conversations will be retained for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, unless a longer retention is required by legal or regulatory obligations.

6.5. Data Security

We have implemented appropriate security measures to protect your conversations against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or unauthorized destruction.

6.6. Data Subject Rights

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your conversations. To exercise these rights or for any privacy-related queries, please contact us.

7. Changes to the Policy

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy. Significant changes will be communicated appropriately. By using our chat service, you are aware of and agree to the terms of this chat conversation storage clause. We recommend periodically reviewing this policy to be aware of any updates.

8. Other General Provisions

Gosnami reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to change this Privacy Policy, but undertakes to notify all its users at a later stage.

9. Contacts

For any questions related to this Privacy Policy and to exercise any of the rights referred to above, you can contact Gosnami's Data Protection

Officer via:

Name: Gosnami

Address: C. de Pallars, 193, Sant Martí, 08005 Barcelona

Tel: +34 663 540 480

E-mail: [email protected]